Thursday, May 13, 2010

Payton's Surgery

Today March 13th Payton went in for her surgery on her feet. She is having her clubbed feet released and put in the right position. Her surgery is about 2 hours at Childern's Hospital in Seattle, WA with Dr. Song. We will give you another update when she gets out and when we have more information. Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not much new

So, Payton got orthodics made for her feet last week. She doesn't like them very much, but they are really going to help. We are still focusing on her elbows and getting them to 90 degrees. Her first Easter is this Sunday so I will be sure to post some pics. And she will be starting swim therapy on April 13th! Have a happy Easter everyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another great day!!!

Here payton is learning to move her legs and arms some more. These movements are really good and I think it looks like she is going to be a great little swimmer!!!

Last, but not least Payton is loving her prunes.........Her dad says it looks like she just enjoyed a delicious piece of bbq ribs and wanting more.. hee hee.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


-Okay everybody I know it's been a while and I am trying to keep up with updating this. I am going to try to do one update a week. Therapy is still going on and on.... she just got new splints made today and she did not have very much fun. Her next big thing is a surgery in about 2 months on her feet and we are focusing on getting her elbows to bend to 90 degrees before she is one to avoid another surgery. We hope with work and a lot of effort we will succeed!! Enough about all the difficult stuff here's a little more about what Payton is doing.............

-Over the holidays Payton got to meet her great aunt Terry. Payton was amazingly good the entire time she was visiting! I still can't believe how good she was. It was so much fun.
-She is still having fun eating and discovering all the new foods. And she has discovered that she can play with her hands!! Yeah!!

-We had our first outing to the zoo. It was a beautiful day at the Point Defiance Zoo!!
-This is a video of Payton and her daddy having fun playing a game......

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My usual monthly update

Okay, I am trying to think of everything that has happened recently. Well, Payton is getting so big! She is 7 months and eating all sorts of baby food, talking more, rolling over and starting to sit up (only like 15 seconds or so). As far as doctor appointments and therapy. Payton is doing great, our next big operation is in a few months on her feet again. Dr. Song is optimistic that the surgery will go well. The other appointment that didn't go as well as I hoped was her ophthalmology (eye) appointment. They say that she's very complicated and that the groupings of cells in her MRI's that are causing her seizures are also in the vision part also and they aren't quite sure what (if at all) she can see. We know that God has already healed her and that he will continue to provide for her. So the plan is in 6 months they will do another test and hopefully be able to tell us more answers. Well, that is actually all I can think of to write. Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Splints

So, yesterday we had an appointment to get some new splints made. It was a tough day for Payton. I am waiting to get all the measurements from Lori, but she did say that her shoulders have improved!! She also had her first taste of rice cereal today (she only ate about 3 bites).

Also, I met a very nice couple yesterday up at Childrens Hospital with a 6 week old boy named Joshua with arthrogryposis. They are a very sweet couple and have 3 older kids also. Please keep them in your prayers and little Joshua. It's hard at first with all the doctor appointments and the unknown. Thanks everyone!! Talk to you soon.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rolling over!!

Payton has been rolling over to one side for a while now and just two days ago she rolled over to the other side!! Yeah!! Our little girl is getting so strong. Also, Kelli (our physical therapist) is very excited to get Payton to her orthodics team. Get her weight bearing and in some different orthodics. Payton is still such a happy baby (she has finally started to smile and get tickleish). She has an appointment tomorrow with the Lori (the occupational therapist) at childrens to get new splints made and I will update all of you if I hear anything new. :)